The Manhattan Transfer: Janis Siegel, Tim Hauser, Cheryl Bentyne and Alan Paul. Photo © Anna Vilardi

Last night, I caught the last show of The Manhattan Transfer‘s four-day run at The Blue Note NYC. For the last few years, I’ve had the privilege of creating and managing the Transfer’s Web site, and I am so proud to have been associated with a legacy group of such vocal virtuosity. I’ve seen them perform many times over the years, and each time never ceases to be an absolute joy. Beyond that, they just happen to be truly cool people of whom I’ve grown terribly fond.

Cheryl Bentyne, the group’s red-headed soprano, was missing from the holiday shows while she recovered from surgery back home in L.A. In her stead was the wonderful Margaret Dorn, who, after only a handful of days to prepare, stepped up to the plate and didn’t miss a note in the Transfer’s vocal olympics. Ms. Dorn had big shoes to fill, and her efforts were a huge credit to Cheryl. The style and standard established by Cheryl over the past thirty years set a very high bar that contributes immeasurably to the group’s signature sound and numerous well-deserved awards.

If you are among the young or the unfortunate few who are unfamiliar with the multi-Grammy winning sound of this music industry legend, I encourage you to hit The Manhattan Transfer’s site, their YouTube channel and their catalog on iTunes or Amazon and get a taste of Janis Siegel, Tim Hauser, Cheryl Bentyne and Alan Paul, a.k.a. The Manhattan Transfer… consummate pros who consistently knock it out of the park every time they come together with a microphone.

The Official Manhattan Transfer Site
TMT on YouTube
TMT on iTunes
TMT on Amazon

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