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Every week, Macworld reviews a slew of new iPad covers. Most of the sleeves look like they fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down. Clunky, dorky, over-designed and un-sexy. A company called Choiix, however, has created what might be my favorite iPad protection since Apple’s own Smart Cover. They call it Sleeve 2E.

As someone who is questioning the use of animal-made products, which includes leather, I was thrilled to see that Sleeve 2E is made from eco-leather (faux) material. It protects the iPad or iPad 2 from dust and scratches, even with a Smart Cover. A magnetic strap keeps the iPad secure while elastics anchor it inside the sleeve. It’s compatible with iPad, iPad 2 and also with the HP Touchpad and – if you were unfortunate enough to buy one – the Blackberry PlayBook.

No apparent word from Choiix on the price or where to buy, but I’ll post and tweet when I hear.

For now, I’m glad to see a slick, simple and smart sleeve for the iPad… finally.

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