I take notes all the time. Whenever I meet a new client, I have to take notes. Whenever I draft a blog post, a letter or a story, I need to take notes. If I feel like sketching a draft of a new site design, I do it on a note pad. Doodling? Same.

For these and other note-taking, sketching or doodling tasks, we have Field Notes. Fieldnotes originally refer to notes taken by scientists during or after their observation of a specific phenomenon they are studying. These days, “Field Notes” tends to refer to those smart notebooks created by Aaron James Draplin of Draplin Design and Jim Coudal of Coudal Partners. These absolutely indispensable notebooks fit perfectly inside the breast pocket of a jacket.

I just ordered a new batch from my trusty friends at Owen & Fred. $30 for a pack of nine. (And right on time, too, ‘cuz I’m fresh out.)

Get some.

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