In this new episode of my one-man podcast, I talk about a fantastic visit from my sister Megan and her husband Mike. Visits from my family members don’t happen often, but I love it when they do. It’s a real kick for me to share this amazing city with my siblings. (Besides… I think they should all move here, which makes each visit an opportunity to really “sell it.” #hiddenagenda)
Also… Follow Dan Buettner on Instagram or TikTok. And take a look at his Netflix documentary series Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones. I’m so impressed with his simple, practical, and powerful message.
Listen on Spotify:
A little favor…
This little blog, my social media nonsense and my occasional podcast run on elbow grease, midnight oil and the frequent bad idea. Access is totally free. Any help you can give so I can continue to produce content and keep the lights on would be immensely appreciated. There is a one-time support option or a recurring subscription through Patreon, which also features exclusive content like my one-man podcast ‘Hahn, Solo’. Thank you so much!!!

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