I had such delightful time being interviewed by Rick DeMint, the photographer behind the Polaroid series “Portroids.”
One January day in 2010, I was walking my new puppy Smokey along West 44th Street in Hell’s Kitchen, NYC. A very sweet woman stopped us to say…
When I was finding myself in college, I had a real moment among the alternative music and theater crowds in our various uniforms of black. Black t-shirts, black…
I had a great time catching up with my friend Ann Richards on her podcast. She and I go back to my Cleveland days, and it was so good to talk with her.
Ours is a culture that celebrates having more. More clothes, more rooms, more closet space, more cars, more gadgets, more stuff, more… But does it make us happier?
Levi-Strauss has bummed me out over the last few years, catering to short-term trends while abandoning decades-long customers like me. But some selections from their Vintage Clothing collection have given me a little hope.