This, class, is a movie star.
Because he had unyielding charm… because he could be an absolute goof on camera… because he could make you feel safe in the face of imminent danger… because he wore chunky horn-rimmed glasses with confidence… because he got to work with Grace Kelly… because Hitchcock hired him multiple times… because he was fucking Cary Grant…
As I watch him as John Robie in “To Catch A Thief,” Roger Thornhill in “North By Northwest,” Devlin in “Notorious”, Walter Burns in “His Girl Friday” or – my absolute favorite – Peter Joshua in “Charade,” he made me want to be a better man, or, at least, a better dressed one. Always a gentleman.
Grant was one of those rare men with such off-the-chart handsomeness that even the most heterosexual of men would agree that he was one extraordinarily good-looking man.

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Image 6 you can see that he has a missing incisor tooth. He lost it as a child. I can’t say I’ve known of any other man with a missing tooth that comes close to this exquisite.