In this fantastic short film from Streetfilms, filmmaker Clarence Eckerson brings us to the city of Groningen in the Netherlands. The effectiveness and efficiency of the bicycling mode in Groningen speaks for itself. Cars are not banned; they’re just strongly discouraged by a city that simply doesn’t embrace them as part of the culture. The result, in terms of transportation and livable streets, is one extremely functional town.
Groningen: The World’s Cycling City from STREETFILMS on Vimeo.

One will also notice how the bicycle in Groningen is not an athletic vehicle used for sport. It is transportation – often rather chic transportation. No carbon fiber razor blades, no speed demons or daredevils, no road-rage entitlement, no scuba shorts with taint padding, no logo-splashed catsuits, no TRON helmets… just civilized, enlightened, happy people using one of the great wonders of engineering to efficiently maneuver around town. This is urban bicycling at its best.
Hi George,
loved watching the video about that Groningen – loved it! Thanks a lot for having shared it.
My pleasure, Chris! The video (and the city) are amazing. Great stuff. Thanks for watching, reading and checking in.
And now you must go there to experience it!
As someone living in Groningen myself I must say this city is absolutely fantastic. The feel this place has is just so relaxed and wonderful. The many students make it a lot of fun as well.
Hi George,
I was outraged after reading about how drivers are not held accountable when they kill or injure cyclist. Two weeks ago a taxi ran a red light and hit me on my bike, today I spent 4 hours in the
O R having my elbow reconstructed. The driver’s response To the police “I didn’t see him.”. I live in Japan, but this sounds like a global problem.
Great comment. Thanks, Mark!